How long has Joe Biden been down in the polls? Ever since last year and the debacle in Afghanistan. That’s a long time and he hasn’t been able to figure out a way to get out of the basement.
Biden may have thought that dealing with the Russian situation might have helped him and would have people rallying around him. Except the problem is he’s handled it poorly right down the line, ever since he came into office and waived sanctions on Nord Stream 2 and cut our own energy production ability, then waved a flag to Vladimir Putin essentially signaling a “minor incursion” wasn’t going to be met with a severe backlash.
Doing This Melts Belly Fat Crazily That Doctors Are Stunned !
While he had sanctions he could have dropped and Ukraine was begging for them to be dropped to prevent the invasion, he refused. Then he said “no sanctions would have prevented it” even though his team had been saying for a month that the threat of sanctions was designed to prevent Putin from acting.
Americans look at his actions like that and 59 percent say Putin moved in because of Biden’s weakness. They can see it. 62 percent also said the invasion wouldn’t have happened under President Donald Trump.
So no, Biden isn’t getting any lift in the polls from this situation at all and when you look at the polls toward 2024, even the Democrats are saying no, no, no to Joe Biden just before he is about to deliver his State of the Union address.
According to the Washington Examiner, just 23% of Democratic primary voters would choose Biden for a second term, according to a survey from McLaughlin & Associates, a GOP polling firm. That’s got to make the Democrats sit up and take notice and realize they have a problem. He’s practically screaming to get primaried with numbers like that.
But the problem is that the people whose names have been tossed around as the “back-ups” are just as bad and their numbers are even worse than Biden’s.
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